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Strategy graphic


Our policies and plan of action

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Investment areas to advance the NYU SPS Mission and Vision

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Data-Informed Action

The NYU SPS strategy is a principle-driven plan for sustainable growth. It is focused on curriculum that is grounded in research and industry best practices, the shifting demands of the global economy, and partnerships at the local, national, and global levels. 

To request access to the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that inform our strategy, click here (NYU Google Account Login required).  

Our strategy prioritizes learner experience, the future of work, and lifelong learning. 

Learner Experience

How do we enhance student experiences in and out of the classroom? How should we reimagine the SPS student journey?


HI Hub

Students happily learning
futuristic workspace image

The Future of Work

What are the forces transforming the economy and the workplace? What are the implications for professional education?


Metaverse Collaborative

Lifelong Learning

How do we design learning experiences that engage individuals and groups at multiple life stages?


Academy of Lifelong Learning

elderly gentleman

By 2030, SPS will...

1. Have highly-ranked, industry-recognized programs

2. Have a strong and market-driven online portfolio of undergraduate and graduate programs to appeal to domestic and international students


3. Have a vibrant student community of diverse learners

4. Hire and retain best-in-class faculty and engage their expertise through case studies, research, and media placements

5. Have a robust and engaged alumni community as evidenced by programs, awards, classroom engagement, community building and giving/development


6. Offer robust scholarships at all levels to attract and retain more diverse students

7. Possess best in class graduation rates and post-graduate career success

8. Attract a significant schoolwide endowment and be named by a values-driven leader/donor

9. Leverage digital technology platforms in all aspects of the school, unified by data and analytics, that enables strong learning outcomes

What strategies should we adopt to be the leader in applied professional education and lifelong learning?

Share your thoughts and perspectives here

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